I’m doing a quick link up with 4th Grade Frolics for her first of the summer’s weekly “Monday Made Its’! It’s the sign of great things to come…
This week I thought I’d share a few little projects…nothing too exciting!
First of all, one of our paras was SOOOO helpful to me last week and I just knew I needed to do more than send her a thank you email! I put together a little snack bag to get her through these last few weeks!
Another little project I have been working on is a promotional baggie for a conference coming up…not quite sure what I was thinking! I’ve got 300 of these little beasts to do…not sure if you can see them, but there are 24 little individually cut out green slips in each. Yikers!
Finally, as I was purging papers out of my NIGHTMARE of a classroom, I came across two of these awesome storage containers that I bought years ago and haven’t found the perfect use for…
Too cute, right? It was originally meant to store CD’s, I believe. I was putting stuff away in my classroom and thought about all the task cards and word problems I have and will be making this summer…and then thought of a little treasure I found at the office supply store…
So…I decided to cut some cardstock dividers to fit, labeled one of the tags, and tried it out!
I think it’s going to work–and will store a TON of cards!
Hope you stop by 4th Grade Frolics to check out all the other great Monday Made It ideas!