Monday Made It and more!

It’s already that time again…time to link up with 4th Grade Frolics for “Monday Made It”!  I thought of a few things to throw out there to share with you!  There is so much more…but here are a few highlights:
Students who wanted to extend their learning about symmetry made “symmetry” art!  I was surprised at how tricky it was for many!
I have been on a mission to find a way to organize the materials for my literacy units…we have unit plans, writing samples, rubrics, anchor charts, mentor texts–you know what I mean.
I made a label for each of the main units…
…and found these perfectly sized tubs at my favorite “red” shopping store…VOILA!  I think they will be perfect for storing everything in a condensed space.  Even though I do make new anchor charts every year, I do like to refer back to the ones from the year before.  Plenty of room for those plus student work samples, picture books for lessons, unit plans, bulletin board materials, and so on!

Finally…I’ve been having some “struggles” within myself about my role in my school…my own professional development, and so on. I decided to do some searching for motivational quotes and made myself a set to use on Facebook to keep me (and maybe a few others!) inspired!  Here’s one I posted a few days ago…pretty true, right?
Don’t forget that there is a week of sales going on for Teacher Appreciation Week!  10% off today on my store–but stop back tomorrow for the next part of the sale!


