Texts on Tuesdays: Professional Journals

It’s my first “Texts on Tuesdays” post of the year!  Because I am still in school, this is going to be a quick one.  This summer please watch for some AMAZING texts that I will highlight for you–including interviews with several of the authors and even some book giveaways!
This week I just want to encourage you to immerse yourself in professional texts all year long–and one of the best ways to do that is to subscribe to a journal or two.  Not sure what to get?  There are a few really good ones to choose from.  Right now, I subscribe to Educational Leadership because I am very interested in current trends and research in education. I want to know what the gurus are saying–and what initiatives are receiving national attention.  This is the official publication of the ASCD, and it is a great way to push yourself professionally.
I also am a member of NCTM and subscribe to “Teaching Children Mathematics”, their elementary journal.  It is another great way to keep up on what is current–and to be able to read an article here and there instead of tackling a huge book in the middle of the year.  “The Reading Teacher” is another great journal…and I’m sure there are others out there to fill whatever professional goals you have. So are you ready for a summer of learning?  Tune in next week for a great interview with Laney Sammons, author of some of the best math books out there!  Thanks for stopping by!


