After 16 months of blogging and product designing, I have reached a milestone goal far faster than I ever dreamed I could! I can’t begin to explain how much fun this journey has been. What started as a way for me to keep track of my own ideas on my blog (my memory is getting soooooooo bad!) and developed into taking my ideas and turning them into ideas for others to use, I can’t imagine my life any other way now! The dialogue on my blog…the feedback from teachers using my resources…it all just means so much to me.
So…the important stuff. LET’S CELEBRATE! To celebrate this milestone, I’ve decided to do a three part customer appreciation weekend! Here’s how you can benefit!
1. Today I offer for you a FREEBIE! Here is a product that is normally a priced item that you get today for FREE! Grab it now–tomorrow it goes back to paid! (Thought we could subliminally FORCE spring to get here by looking at spring products!)
2. Tomorrow (Saturday) my entire store will be on sale for 10% off all day
3. This fun rafflecopter! Sign up to win 3 things…