Five on Friday! 5 great things to say to kids!

It’s been a busy week…birthday excitement, finishing reading assessments, meetings.  In honor of Friday, I am simply going to reflect on 5 great things to say to kids!  I’d love to hear some of your favorite things…what makes a difference to your students?

1.  “WOW!  I am so amazed by your thinking!  I never would have thought to do it that way…”

2. “I can see how hard you are working!  I really appreciate that you always give me 100% when you work…it will pay off!”

3.  “That was such a kind thing to say…it’s no wonder people enjoy being with you.  You treat them with such respect!”

4. ” I love how you have kept on trying even when this got challenging for you!  Perseverance is such an important quality to have…”

5.  “Amazing!  I am so impressed with how carefully and precisely you have worked.  Your work quality is top-notch.  You should be so proud!”

I know these seem a little cheesy out of context…but I think my message is simply this.  As we get into more and more rigorous content, we need to be ever mindful of the little people who we are putting through the paces!  Just like the Math Practice Standards begin to tackle math behaviors, we need to help students recognize that some of these academic and social habits DO make a difference and DO pay off.  We never know when a genuine, well-timed piece of encouragement might make all the difference.  My goal?  To never let my pressures to TEACH get in the way of my own knowledge of how to help young people develop into adults that love to learn, grow, and can take on challenges gladly.  I know I have room to grow in this department…I need to slow down and look in their eyes and let them know I care and I know how hard they are working.
