So, it’s true confessions time. My district has adopted Words Their Way and I am petrified. I have used the assessment in the past to get to know my students, and I like it. I also firmly believe that students DO need to study words and that traditional spelling programs do NOT work. So what’s my concern?
It’s me. My complete and utter lack of organization. How will I ever manage having multiple groups for this . . . to be ready ahead of time with materials . . . to know how to squeeze this into an already packed day . . . sigh. We do have a one day training coming up in a few weeks, but I don’t know that the training is going to help me with all of those fears.
I would love to hear from others who DO use Words Their Way. Do you have any tricks of the trade? Organization systems that work for you? Things that do NOT work? I know I shouldn’t even be worried about it until the training happens–perhaps all my fears will be washed away. I’d love to hear from you! I know I should be excited that my “patched together” word work from the past will be somehow organized for me . . . so reassure me please! I will be posting more about this journey over the next year–so be ready for my successes and failures. UGH. I am not a fan of that word–or that concept. So help me out, friends! It can be your community service for the year! Have a great day . . .