Inventive Strategies in Math

Problem solving is a such a critical part of math instruction in elementary grades.  Have you considered how much time you spend letting students work collaboratively and share their math strategies?  Check out this easy math lesson idea!
There are so many ways to get students really immersed in word problems.  Collaboration is so key!  Check out this post with ideas for students working together to solve problems and share strategies  Word problems, teaching problem solving, problem solving lesson, grade 3 word problems, grade 4 word problems

A different approach to word problems

This is not a new concept for people who are interested in constructivist thinking, but today’s “opening day” of multiplication lessons had me wondering what would happen when give a series of multiplication problems to solve…my fourth graders had some exposure to multiplication concepts and algorithms last year, so I was unsure of how willing my students would be to experiment.

Here’s what we did. First, I explained that our goals for the day were to persevere and solve problems, to come up with ways to solve them that were comfortable and made sense to us, to work accurately, and to be able to organize our work to explain our thinking. Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice all the way, right?

Teacher Modeling in a Gradual Release Model

So…I modeled with a problem that was NOT multiplication…we glued it into our math journals, tried different ways to solve it, discussed in pairs ways to organize our work, then shared out several solutions. I then asked students to solve four problems in their math notebooks (they were all multiplication–but the students didn’t necessarily know that)…they simply came up front to grab them off the piles as they needed them (some students were done quickly, others never finished all four…the beauty of self-pacing!)
There are so many ways to get students really immersed in word problems.  Collaboration is so key!  Check out this post with ideas for students working together to solve problems and share strategies  Word problems, teaching problem solving, problem solving lesson, grade 3 word problems, grade 4 word problems

Problems…made 8 to a page, copied, cut, and “piled” for easy access.

As they worked, I wandered…asking questions, noticing things, commenting on organization and other math practices that I saw happening.

As students finished all four (or 2 or 3 for some), I asked them to select ONE of their solutions that they wanted to reorganize on a “learning poster” and to share in a small group. I had reprinted extra copies of the problems a little larger to glue at the top of their learning posters, and they got to work: problem at the top, work in the middle, written explanation of strategies on the bottom.
There are so many ways to get students really immersed in word problems.  Collaboration is so key!  Check out this post with ideas for students working together to solve problems and share strategies  Word problems, teaching problem solving, problem solving lesson, grade 3 word problems, grade 4 word problems
This student was VERY proud that he used his ruler to keep his work more organized. He later shared under the document camera how he did it.

I walked around and asked 4 students to be ready to share when the time came. But as students finished their learning posters, I started putting them into quartets (yes, we call them that–math lingo all day, folks!) where they could share their work, their solutions, their thinking. As more and more students finished, I formed more and more discussion groups and I simply eavesdropped.
There are so many ways to get students really immersed in word problems.  Collaboration is so key!  Check out this post with ideas for students working together to solve problems and share strategies  Word problems, teaching problem solving, problem solving lesson, grade 3 word problems, grade 4 word problems
This group of “fast finishers” needed a little coaching to actually DISCUSS what they did–not just read off their papers!

There are so many ways to get students really immersed in word problems.  Collaboration is so key!  Check out this post with ideas for students working together to solve problems and share strategies  Word problems, teaching problem solving, problem solving lesson, grade 3 word problems, grade 4 word problems
One of my more struggling students was super proud of how she had solved this one…

When all the groups were finished and I had found a few good “teaching points”, I had those students share their learning posters under the document camera. (You really MUST get one of these…did you know you can get them for about 70 bucks? Seriously. Get one.)

One student was so excited to explain to the class how she used highlighters to mark important information in the problem.  She then showed how she organized each step.  Our teacher point for her sharing time was to discuss how labels might have helped her overall explanation.  It’s so fun to build a climate where students can be open and willing to talk about both strength and goal areas!

Just wanted to share out one way to get your students really involved with problem solving!  We worked on these steps for about 45 minutes today and students were engaged, using good “math talk”, coaching each other, and holding each other to higher standards.  We have a long way to go–but I’m sure proud of how far we have come!

Looking for some great word problems to try this activity on your own?  Check out these bundles!  
There are so many ways to get students really immersed in word problems.  Collaboration is so key!  Check out this post with ideas for students working together to solve problems and share strategies  Word problems, teaching problem solving, problem solving lesson, grade 3 word problems, grade 4 word problems
There are so many ways to get students really immersed in word problems.  Collaboration is so key!  Check out this post with ideas for students working together to solve problems and share strategies  Word problems, teaching problem solving, problem solving lesson, grade 3 word problems, grade 4 word problems
