I am working this weekend to get some plans ready for the week, and I am printing off some of my spring word problems, my spring bulletin board project, and my informational text pausing points. I thought it might be fun to give away a set of each of them to someone ELSE who is planning!
What are we working on in our “studio”? Multiplying fractions then measurement…finishing our immigration diaries then moving to informational text reading and writing with an emphasis on different text structures. We are going to do a little cartography where we make a map of our state and it’s bordering states and bodies of water, we are finishing our human body unit–just circulation and respiration to go! We still have memoirs, BizWorld, motion and design, and MORE to go! What are YOUR next units of study? Leave a blog post comment as one of your entries and let me know!
Interested? Check out the rafflecopter below.
It’s a one day giveaway so enter now–it all closes at midnight tomorrow! As a bonus, I’ll put these 3 items on sale for the next few days as well! Here they are…
Interested in ANOTHER giveaway? Check out THIS ONE as Elementary Matters celebrates 1,000,000 page views! Yep…I’ve donated a product to it–but CHECK out all the other ones! More cool stuff to win! See you tomorrow!