So how does this lend itself to an elapsed time MIRL?
Let me tell you.
My very coordinated sports kid has had THREE–that’s right THREE–major injuries in the last 16 months. We were sitting around after surgery #2 last week talking about HOW MUCH time he has spent “rehab-ing” versus actually playing.
Let’s trace things back a bit. Last July he was playing baseball when he felt a pop and his arm went numb. Diagnosis? He literally pulled the growth plate off the bone. Surgery. Big screw.
Surgery time: 90 minutes
Total Recovery: 8 months
Therapy: 3 sessions per week at 30 minutes per session for 6 weeks, then 1 session per week for 6 more weeks
Home therapy: 10 minutes daily (done maybe 25% of the time)
So the math question of the day? How much time did he spend in therapy?
His answer? TOO MUCH!
But wait…June 2014. “Mom, my foot has been hurting but I didn’t want to tell you because I am NOT missing baseball.’
X-ray. Fracture. Boot.
Surgery time: NONE!
Total Recovery: 6 weeks
Therapy: 2 sessions of 45 minutes
Time in boot: Recommended–4 weeks. Actual: 10 days
Number of hours of football missed?
3 days of camp at 8 hours per day
3 weeks of practice at 3 hours per day, 5 days per week
Number of games missed: 1
But WAIT! October 24, 2014…the first football playoff game. The team is up by 42 so my third string son gets to play. He rushes for a total of 87 yards on his drive until…