Monday Made It!

I missed last month because I couldn’t get my act together but it’s time to link up with
I have a few different things to share with you this week.  I certainly don’t feel like I’ve been very creative or crafty of late–so much to do.  So little time.
My student teacher started this week, and I always like to put a little something together for them to make them feel welcome.   I take being a cooperative teacher really seriously…what we do for them can impact 25 students a year for 35 years!  That’s a pretty awe-inspiring thought…so I really try to do what I can to get them ready to be their very best.
Recently I’ve been cooking (and eating) a LOT.  Spaghetti with meatballs…roast beef…apple bread…cookies.  Not.  Good.  I love how I can avoid doing pretty much any work as soon as I walk through my kitchen.  Sigh.

I’ve been pretty busy making stuff for my classroom and thought you might benefit too…here are a few things that I have made in the last few months in case you are interested.  It’s strange how every year is such a different group of students…there may be 24 fourth graders every year, but each year has SUCH a different feel.  I never do things the same way from year to year…sure make more work for myself though!
First, we had a BLAST kicking off our opinion writing unit with a “topic sort”.  It was tricky–but really got us interested!  Check below for a little more of what I accomplished!
We are digging into our opinion writing unit and this was SO FUN to kick it off!  My kids are totally excited about writing opinion essays now.  Seriously!
I LOVE doing these rigorous team challenges…they naturally differentiate so not all your students have to do it the exact same way.
People have been clamoring for easy to make and use math stations so I started a line called “Dollar Deals” where I am making “no frills” resources to use in math centers.  Here is the latest!
Hope everyone has a great week!  My report cards go home tomorrow so I have a little more work to do tonight, then proofreading.  Tune in tomorrow for a post about getting my opinion writing unit up and running!


