Candy, Prime and Composite Numbers, and Conjectures!

Prime and Composite Number lesson
One thing that is a HUGE part of our curriculum in fourth grade involves multiplication concepts–facts, large number multiplication, measurement conversions, patterns, and more. This also includes working with factors, multiples,  and prime and composite numbers.
Teaching prime and composite numbers

Building Arrays to Teach Multiplication

Although my students had a LOT of exposure to multiplication concepts and facts in third grade, every year I feel it is worth my time to go back and make sure we are clear on a few things such as the commutative property of multiplication, different strategies, and the use of arrays to represent multiplication facts.  All of these are key foundation concepts as we move into bigger and better things down the road.  A few years ago I started using really using a more constructivist approach to multiplication facts–I wanted my students to DISCOVER patterns in multiplication, not be TOLD.
I came up with the idea of arranging candies in a rectangular box as a way for students to think about the different ways numbers could be broken into arrays.  I gave them ample time to experiment with foam “candies” (paper squares would work just fine) and try to find all the ways that one candy, two candies, three candies–all the way up to 24 candies–could fit in a box.  The results were fascinating!

Teaching by Coaching

As I walked around I started to notice that students needed coaching on some of the basics–from writing number sentences correctly to representing arrays with matching number sentences.  We had a great discussion about turnaround facts–is 5 x 1 the same as 1 x 5?  (My answer may be different than yours–my answer is NO.  The ANSWER is the same–but 1 group of 5 candies is NOT the same as 5 groups of 1 candy.  3 cages of two kittens is NOT the same as 2 cages with 3 kittens.  This is an important discussion to have.)
Using arrays to teach multiplication

Collaboration in Math

 Another GREAT part of this lesson was the collaboration component.  Students were having fantastic math discussions about what they were doing, why it worked, and so on.  This became especially important later on as I started to ask them some questions to push them.  Many groups were speeding through the process and were “missing” facts. They did the 1 x 12 = 12 and 12 x 1 = 12 but failed to find 2 x 6, 6, x 2, and 3 x 4 and 4 x 3.
When I started to ask questions like, “Would a candy company really want to have a long skinny package of candies on the shelf?  What about a 24 pack?  Is their best option a 1 x 24 box?”  This REALLY got students talking and they frantically began to revisit their work.Finding factor pairs

Conjectures and Math Proof

As they were working, a few students started to make some predictions. We coined these “conjectures” as they attempted to make sense of what they were doing.  One pair came up with this conjecture as they noticed that odd numbers seemed only to have one combination.  We shared the conjecture and students were eager to accept it.  I challenged them to try to DISPROVE it as they worked–and after a while, the same pair that made the conjecture admitted that it was faulty.

A Perfect Foundation for Studying Prime and Composite Numbers

All in all, it was a great warm up for our unit on facts, prime numbers, and composite numbers. After they finish working on their combinations, we will later go back and define what a “prime” number is. Then we look for all the prime numbers in our candy project.

Teaching Prime and Composite Numbers

Want to see more about what we did?  Here is the resource I used to teach the lesson.

Prime and Composite Numbers Lesson Plan

And after we are clear on what prime and composite numbers are–we will tackle this concept sort!
Prime or Composite Number Lesson

Want to learn more about how students learn multiplication?


How students learn multiplication using the CRA model
