End of Year Word Problems and Problem Solving Tips
We all know that students are hard to “engage” at this time of year–so asking them to solve end of
We all know that students are hard to “engage” at this time of year–so asking them to solve end of
Why Teach Patterns? “Patterning” is something that has typically been a focus of primary classrooms. Pass by any kindergarten or
Over the years I have noticed that students tend to look for routine in math class. If it’s a division
Distance Learning? Huh? So a few weeks ago, if you would have told me I would be teaching my students
Ah, the things teachers say when deep in the moment of teaching angles. “Please stop sticking tissues up your nose.
The Standards for Mathematical Practice should form the foundation of every math “content” lesson, but so often textbooks don’t do
The first ten minutes of your math lesson will set the tone for the rest of the class. Students must
Where did Mind Boggling Math Come From? Back five or six years ago, I was searching for an activity that
For many students, word problems and problem-solving strategies are the most difficult part of math instruction. They can learn algorithms
The end of the school year is challenging and stressful for all of us. Sometimes we, as teachers, forget that