If you are like me, the chance to go to workshops happens once in a blue moon. As funding has been reduced to our schools, the opportunities to attend professional development outside the district has all but gone away. Instead, many of us who have been teaching a LONNNNNNNG time end up PRESENTING the professional development in our buildings!
I was afforded the opportunity to attend our state math council’s assessment conference and it was FABULOUS! I will be blogging about several pieces of it over the next weeks. The topic I am most excited about is “Number Talks”–a routine I have been dabbling with and now am going to begin incorporating into my daily routine. The success stories told at this conference were inspiring! The research is VERY compelling about the impact of doing number talks, and I can’t wait to “clean up” my approach a little.
There are many resources out there–web based and print based–but the “fearless leader” of them all is the one that I have…and have browsed through to get the gist of things. It is officially now time to read the entire thing…that’s how excited I am about this topic. Have you seen it?