I have been thinking about. Pondering. Worrying about. Learning about. Doing EVERYTHING about creating a newsletter–
except creating a newsletter.
Finally, I think I have it figured out I think I am ready. I think it’s going to be AMAZING!
So here’s the deal. I have wanted ways to share cool stuff with my most loyal of followers…freebies that aren’t on TpT but might relate to a blog post. Ideas that I have that aren’t really worthy of a full blog post–but I think are worth sharing. Updates on products so you know when new products are released and when I have updated products. And, my favorite, a way to provide special sales and deals occasionally to my readers! Stay tuned for more about that…
My plan is to send out newsletters only about once every other month…if you are like me, you do NOT want your mailbox full of stuff all the time. I figure if I keep it only 5-6 times per year, you will really appreciate the freebies and other special things that come your way. It’s a way for me to give back a little…plus ask for your input, share new ideas, and more. In fact, this newsletter is going to be so interactive that YOU can actually get your ideas published in some future blog posts. I am super excited to make my blog a place where ideas are shared and we can all learn together. So…if you are interested, now is the time! There will be an introductory series of emails just to confirm that you really want to be a part of my mail list, and then sit back and wait for the back-to-school edition coming in August!
To sign up,
Thanks so much for being such loyal followers and friends. I hope that you enjoy the content I provide for you in this “extension” of my blogging life–and I look forward to hearing from you! (And watch for something REALLY big coming soon!)