I cannot believe it’s already August.
August means the end of the summer is near.
August means that my hopes, dreams, and plans for all I was going to accomplish are now staring me right in the face and MOCKING ME.
It’s the same every year. . . I have high hopes for getting my life organized during the summer and then August comes and I stare at the calendar like I can’t quite understand how it all happened . . . how another summer has nearly come and gone and my life hasn’t gotten figured out.
So. It’s August 1 and I am making lists. To do lists for projects at home that I have avoided. To do lists for school stuff that I vowed to work on over the summer and haven’t. To do lists for all the appointments that I was going to get taken care of this summer to make life easier when school starts. Please tell me that someone else finds themselves in this situation every year. Humor me.