Teaching Channel: Because Seeing Is Believing!

As I sit here with this . . .

 . . . I decided to take a little break and get inspired.  If you aren’t familiar with “The Teaching Channel”, I recommend you check it out.  All you have to do is sign up for a free account–and then you are set to go–and get ready to spend a little time snooping around!  On the Teaching Channel, you can find short video clips of almost anything you want to “see” in a classroom . . . from how to run a book discussion to how to organize math centers to cool science lessons.  The videos are short and to the point and take place in REAL classrooms!  When you start your free account, you can put your preferences in and they will send you email video suggestions.  For example, a few categories I get updates on are:

common core

It’s kind of fun to poke around and just see what other teachers are doing–and this is especially cool if you do not have a school climate where collaboration and professional development are valued.  Anyhoo–check it out.  You can customize it with different filters, there are lesson plans, a Teaching Channel blog with great ideas, and more!

So, perhaps, you have all heard of it, but I thought I’d put it out there for those of you who haven’t!  I just watched a video about “precision” in the math classroom and one on discovering number patterns with skip counting.  Here is the link for those of you who want to investigate!  The Teaching Channel.
