Fractions Day 11: Where’d You Get THAT Number Line?
Hello everyone–and thanks for coming back for more fraction adventures! Today’s post is really a combination of classroom “happenings”; I
Hello everyone–and thanks for coming back for more fraction adventures! Today’s post is really a combination of classroom “happenings”; I
Equivalent Fraction Warm Up I thought I would catch all of your fraction fans up on what we did in
Today was a “test” day in fourth grade–a test for me to see where my students are with fractions. I
Well. . . another day in the fraction trenches for the fourth graders in the Studio–that’s for sure! We had
I promised another entry in FractionFest 2013 (though a Twitter follower renamed it “Fractionpalooza” which I L-O-V-E!) so here goes
Seriously, we are starting to get into some pretty heavy duty thinking in the Teacher Studio! I wish I had
There is so much to talk about with respect to fractions! I hope you enjoy today’s fraction lesson where we
What’s next with our fraction unit? Fraction Warm Up Problem Our “fractionfest” continued Friday by taking our investigations a little